Randy Pausch

Randy Pausch is a well known professor at Carnegie Melon University, working on 3D programming environment that makes it easy to create an animation for telling a story, playing an interactive game, or a video to share on the web. This project is called Alice, and EA has already announced that they are helping with the creation of the third version of this project by giving the characters from their game “The Sims”.

Randy Pausch has pancreatic cancer and was given just a couple of months to live, and thats where he has shown a character by giving his “Last Lecture” to his students. In his last lecture he is talking about different subjects, but mostly about the time which is quite finite for all of us. I urge everyone to take a look at the videos on his page, they are quite emotional and inspiring, his “time management” lecture is an instant classic. You might disagree with some of the things that he is presenting, but it is quite a way of managing the time.

There has been a lot of things written about him, a number of television stations have made interviews and specials. He is quite an impressive person, he is doing all this public things at the moment as a way of leaving a message for his 3 kids. I feel that he is a very special person capable of inspiring those who are around him, and watching his videos leaves me quite an inspired for doing better things in this live

I have learned about him some time ago, and by now i have seen all the videos that i could find on the internet and i am waiting for his book, which should arrive next week.

One thought on “Randy Pausch

  1. Marlene Chalet

    Give Randy Pausch a Virtual Visit since we all can’t fit in his living room, and he’s given us so much of himself.

    Date and Time: Monday, May 5; 12:00 noon Eastern Daylight Time (Virginia, USA). Spread this around; blog it, text it, translate it (here are some international time guides: Melbourne- Mon 2:00 AM; Mexico City- Sun 11:00 AM; Paris- Sun 6:00 PM; Johannesburg- Sun 6:00 PM; Beijing- Midnight Sun-Mon; London- Sun 5:00 PM).

    So no matter where you are, as close as you can to 12 noon EDT, sing, hum or just think it:

    “Sing” (Sing A Song)- from Sesame Street (written by Joe Raposo)

    Sing, Sing a song.
    Sing out loud, Sing out strong.
    Sing of good things, not bad.
    Sing of happy, not sad.
    Sing, Sing a song.
    Make it simple, To last your whole life long.
    Don’t worry that it’s not good enough, For anyone else to hear.
    Sing, Sing a song. (I had to think of an upbeat, generic song!!)

    We can do it and he deserves it: Knowing just when we’re all thinking of him.

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