Clustered Columnstore Indexes – part 8 (“Locking”)

Continuation from the previous 7 parts, starting from In this part we shall play with Locking :) Lets setup our table with all defaults and with a Clustered Columnstore Index: IF OBJECT_ID(‘dbo.CCTest’, ‘U’) IS NOT NULL drop table dbo.CCTest;…

Clustered Columnstore Indexes – part 7 (“Transaction Isolation”)

Continuation from the previous 6 parts, starting from In this part we shall be dedicating to the Transactional support for Clustered Columnstore Indexes: Isolation Levels: As I have already mentioned in part 2, Isolation support for Clustered Columnstore Indexes…

Clustered Columnstore Indexes – part 6 (“Observing the behavior”)

Continuation from the previous 5 parts, starting from In the previous 5 parts of this blog series I have described how some of the things related to Clustered Columnstore Indexes are functioning, and so in this part I wanted…

Clustered Columnstore Indexes – part 5 (“New Meta-Information and System Stored Procedure”)

Continuation from the previous 4 parts, starting from Now it is time to take a detailed look of the upcoming and less documented attractions related to Clustered Columnstore Indexes: Important Note: I am referring to the CTP1 of the…

Clustered Columnstore Indexes – part 4 (“Basic T-SQL”)

Continuation from the previous 3 parts, starting from Lets take a look at the concrete T-SQL syntax of the Clustered Columnstore Indexes: Create Clustered Columnstore Index [name] on [table]; The only difference to the Nonclustered Indexes is basically the…