Columnstore Indexes – part 1 (“Intro”)

This is a first blog post in a very large series of posts about the CLustered Columnstore Indexes:
Columnstore Indexes – part 2 (“Internals”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 3 (“More Internals”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 4 (“Basic T-SQL”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 5 (“New Meta-Information and System Stored Procedure”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 6 (“Observing the behavior”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 7 (“Transaction Isolation”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 8 (“Locking”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 9 (“CTP1 Observations”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 10 (“Compression basics”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 11 (“Clustered vs Nonclustered compression basics”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 12 (“Compression Dive”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 13 (“Dictionaries Analyzed”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 14 (“Partitioning”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 15 (“Partitioning Advanced”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 16 (“Index Builds”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 17 (“Resources 2012 vs 2014”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 18 (“Basic Batch Mode Improvements”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 19 (“Batch Mode 2012 Limitations … Updated!”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 20 (“TempDB Spills – when memory is not enough”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 21 (“DBCC CSIndex”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 22 (“Invisible Row Groups”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 23 (“Data Loading”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 24 (“Data Loading continued”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 25 (“Faster Smaller Better Stronger”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 26 (“Backup & Restore”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 27 (“Load with Delta-Stores”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 28 (“Update vs Delete + Insert”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 29 (“Data Loading for Better Segment Elimination”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 30 (“Bulk Load API Magic Number”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 31 (“Memory Pressure and Row Group Sizes”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 32 (“Size Does Matter, but how ?”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 33 (“A Tuple Mover that closes open Delta-Stores”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 34 (“Deleted Segments Elimination”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 35 (“Trace Flags & Query Optimiser Rules”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 36 (“Maintenance Solutions for Columnstore”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 37 (“Deleted Bitmap & Delta-Store Sizes”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 38 (“Memory Structures”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 39 (“Memory in Action”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 40 (“Compression Algorithms”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 41 (“Statistics”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 42 (“Materialisation”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 43 (“Transaction Log Basics”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 44 (“Monitoring with Extended Events”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 45 (“Multi-Dimensional Clustering”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 46 (“DateTime compression and performance”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 47 (“Practical Monitoring with Extended Events”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 48 (“Improving Dictionary Pressure”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 49 (“Data Types & Predicate Pushdown”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 50 (“Columnstore IO”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 51 (“SSIS, DataFlow & Max Buffer Memory”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 52 (“What’s new for Columnstore XE in SQL Server 2014 SP1”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 53 (“What’s new for Columnstore in SQL Server 2014 SP1”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 54 (“Thoughts on upcoming improvements in SQL Server 2016”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 55 (“New Architecture Elements in SQL Server 2016”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 56 (“New DMV’s in SQL Server 2016”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 57 (“Segment Alignment Maintenance”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 58 (“String Predicate Pushdown”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 59 (“Aggregate Pushdown”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 60 (“3 More Batch Mode Improvements in SQL Server 2016”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 61 (“Window aggregate functions”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 62 (“Row Groups Trimming”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 63 (“Parallel Data Insertion”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 64 (“T-SQL Improvements in SQL Server 2016”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 65 (“Clustered Columnstore Improvements in SQL Server 2016”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 66 (“More Clustered Columnstore Improvements in SQL Server 2016”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 67 (“Clustered Columstore Isolation Levels & Transactional Locking”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 68 (“Data Loading, Delta-Stores & Vertipaq Compression Optimisation”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 69 (“Operational Analytics – Rowstore”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 70 (“Filtered Indexes in Action”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 71 (“Change Data Capture, Change Tracking & Temporal”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 72 (“InMemory Operational Analytics”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 73 (“Big Delta-Stores with Nonclustered Columnstore”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 74 (“Row Group Merging & Cleanup, SQL Server 2016 edition”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 75 (“Stretch DB & Columnstore”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 76 (“Compression Delay”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 77 (“SSIS 2016 & Columnstore”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 78 (“Temporary Objects”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 79 (“Loading Data into Non-Updatable Nonclustered Columnstore”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 80 (“Local Aggregation”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 81 (“Adding Columnstore Index to InMemory Tables”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 82 (“Extended Events in SQL Server 2016”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 83 (“Columnstore Replication in SQL Server 2016”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 84 (“Practical Dictionary Cases”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 85 (“Important Batch Mode Changes in SQL Server 2016”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 86 (“New Trace Flags in SQL Server 2016”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 87 (“Indexed Views”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 88 (“Minimal Logging in SQL Server 2016”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 89 (“Memory-Optimised Columnstore Limitations 2016”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 90 (“In-Memory Columnstore Improvements in Service Pack 1 of SQL Server 2016 “)
Columnstore Indexes – part 91 (“SQL Server 2016 Standard Edition Limitations”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 92 (“Lobs”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 93 (“Batch Mode Adaptive Memory Grant Feedback”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 94 (“Use Partitioning Wisely”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 95 (“Basic Query Patterns”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 96 (“Nonclustered Columnstore Index Online Rebuild”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 97 (“Working with Strings”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 98 (“Null Expressions & String Aggregates”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 99 (“Merge”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 100 (“Identity”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 101 (“Estimated? Similar! Similar How?”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 102 (“CCI with Secondary Rowstore Indexes on SQL 2014”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 103 (“Partitioning 2016 vs Partitioning 2014”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 104 (“Batch Mode Adaptive Joins”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 105 (“Performance Counters”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 106 (“Memory Requirements for Rebuild & Reorganize”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 107 (“Dictionaries Deeper Dive”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 108 (“Computed Columns”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 109 (“Trivial Plans in SQL Server 2017”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 110 (“The best column for sorting Columnstore Index on”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 111 (“Row Group Elimination – Pain Points”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 112 (“Linked Servers”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 113 (“Row Groups Merging Limitations”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 116 (“Partitioning Specifics”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 117 (“Clustered vs Nonclustered”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 118 (“SQL Server 2017 Editions Limitations”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 119 (“In-Memory Columnstore Location”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 120 (“Merge Replication 2016-2017”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 121 (“Columnstore Indexes on Standard Tier of Azure SQL DB”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 122 (“Wait Types”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 123 (“Clustered Columnstore Index Online Rebuild”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 124 (“Estimate Columnstore Compression”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 125 (“Estimate Columnstore Compression as a System Stored Proc”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 126 (“Extracting Columnstore Statistics to Cloned Database”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 127 (“Batch Mode on Rowstore – is it a Columnstore Killer?”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 128 (“Ordering Columnstore Indexes in Azure SQL Datawarehouse”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 129 (“Compatibility with the New Features of Sql Server 2019”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 130 (“Columnstore Indexes on Azure SQL DB”)
Columnstore Indexes – part 131 (“Rebuilding Rowstore Indexes ONLINE”)

After the Microsoft’s first attempt to improve DataWarehouse performance drastically with introduction of the Nonclustered Columnstore Indexes, which are extremely limited (non-updatable, schema modification prohibited, limited number of data types supported, cannot be unique, batch execution mode is also very limited in SQL Server 2012, etc),
this time for SQL Server 2014 we shall have a feature that really promises to change this game around – CLUSTERED columnstore indexes.

As far as I know, not many organizations around the world are using Nonclusted NonUpdateable Columnstore Indexes mainly because of it is being a very new feature and the other reasons is its limitations.

Clustered Columnstore Indexes in SQL Server 2014 are promising to solve a lot of the problems, such as:
– making tables updatable
– schema modification is available
– more datatypes included
– mixed execution modes support (batch & row)
– more operations support for the batch mode ( outer join, union all, etc )
– improved global dictionaries for segments compression
– support for even better data compression (aka Archival)
seek operation support
spillbulk insert operation support and associated improvements
– etc

Since CTP1 is already available I decide to give it a try and to play with Clustered Columnstore Indexes a bit :)

I will start with introduction of some of the architectural concepts and then in the following posts I will try to explore the actual improvements:
Columnstore Indexes are using the X-Velocity In-Memory Compression Engine which is already being used by a number of Microsoft Technologies, such as PowerPivot, Tabular Mode for Analysis Services and PowerView (Thanks to Jamie Thompson and to Riccardo Mutti for clarifications.) for example.
The basic technic of this engine consist in dividing available data into different row groups, also known as segments. Each of those segments should consist of around 1.000.000 rows (this number is not controlled by a parameter in the current versions) and the rows are encoded & compressed by using some internal algorithm. For some of the columns which are requiring dictionaries (character types for example) an additional dictionary encoding conversion is being used.
Note: each column is separated into its own groups of the Segments – and so this where the ColumnStore idea comes from.

After the process of encoding and compression is done, then the segments and the dictionaries are converted to Blobs and stored inside of the SQL Server. The underlying storage mechanism is still the good old 8K pages. Should one of the Blobs span more then 1 page, then the usual blob storage mechanisms are invoked.

Note: a very important part of understanding and optimization of Columnstore Indexes is that data is not sorted inside of the Segment, which will lead us to a number of technics to improve their compression and performance in some of the next posts.

There is a principal meta-information storage, which is called a Directory. Inside of this Directory, the information about the segment & dictionaries allocation status is stored. It is also contains additional metadata about number of rows, size, min and max values inside of each of the segments. This information is available inside of the sys.column_store_segments DMV.

There is one more very important element for the meta-data storage inside of the Clustered Columnstore Indexes – Delete Bitmap. Delete Bitmap is basically a storage which contains information about the deleted rows inside of the Segments. Its representation in-memory is a bitmap, while on the disk it is stored as a b-tree, where ids of the deleted rows are stored. Delete Bitmap is consulted on a regular basis in order to avoid returning the rows which were already deleted.

The Clustered Columnstore Index is the primary source for the data storage, as the name Clustered typically referrers to the original source of the table data.
Note 1: Upcoming SQL Server 2014 has the limitation that no other indexes are allowed to be created on the table with a Clustered Columnstore Index.
Note 2: The data is not really clustered inside of the CCI, since it is not really being ordered in the upcoming SQL Server version.

The whole architecture of the updatable Clustered Columnstore Indexes is basically divided into 2 parts: Row Groups (aka Segments) and Delta Stores. While Segments are encoded & compressed, as well as unupdateable directly, the Delta Stores are a “normal” good old b-tree row stores, which have all the characteristics of an habitual Sql Server table.
Same as with Segments, every Clustered Columnstore Index can have multiple Delta Stores.

Microsoft has introduced a brand new DMV sys.column_store_row_groups for the SQL Server 2014 CTP1. This view contains the information about all segments and delta stores for the Columnstore Indexes (Clustered & NonClustered).
It seems like internally they are represented equally, so you will see them listed all together. The difference for distinction is that Segments are actually having their status “state” column set on 3, with the description of “Compressed” while the Delta Stores can have status of 1 & 2 as a state with corresponding description of “Open” / “Close”. This status for the Delta Store is delivering the information if the Delta Store still accepting new information or it is just waiting to become a Segment (encoded & compressed).

Some words about some of the basic operations:

Inserts are simply added to one of the currently open Delta Stores.

If the deleted row is found inside of a Segment, then the Deleted Bitmap information is updated with the row id of the respective row.
If the deleted row is actually inside of a Delta Store, then the direct process of removal is executed on the b-tree.

They are basically represented as deletes and inserts.

To be continued with Clustered Columnstore Indexes – part 2 (“Internals”)

28 thoughts on “Columnstore Indexes – part 1 (“Intro”)

  1. Pingback: Clustered Columnstore Indexes – part 2 ("Internals") | Nikoport

  2. Pingback: Clustered Columnstore Indexes – part 6 (“Observing the behavior”) | Nikoport

  3. Pingback: Clustered Columnstore Indexes – part 3 ("More Internals") | Nikoport

  4. Pingback: Clustered Columnstore Indexes – part 4 ("Basic T-SQL") | Nikoport

  5. Pingback: Clustered Columnstore Indexes – part 5 ("New Meta-Information and System Stored Procedure") | Nikoport

  6. Pingback: Clustered Columnstore Indexes – part 7 ("Transaction Isolation") | Nikoport

  7. Pingback: Clustered Columnstore Indexes – part 9 ("CTP1 Observations") | Nikoport

  8. Pingback: Hekaton is Microsoft’s In-Memory OLTP solution coming to SQL Server 2014 | Scott Stauffer dot C-eh?

  9. Pingback: Clustered Columnstore Indexes – part 10 ("Compression basics") | Nikoport

  10. Pingback: Clustered Columnstore Indexes – part 11 ("Clustered vs Nonclustered compression basics") | Nikoport

  11. Pingback: SQL Server 2014: Columnstore Index improvements | James Serra's Blog

  12. Pingback: SQL Server 2014: Columnstore Index improvements - SQL Server - SQL Server - Toad World

  13. Pingback: SQL Server 2014: Columnstore Index improvements - SQL Server - SQL Server - Toad World

  14. Pingback: Clustered Columnstore Indexes – part 13 ("Dictionaries Analyzed") | Nikoport

  15. Pingback: Clustered Columnstore Indexes – part 14 ("Partitioning") | Nikoport

  16. Pingback: Clustered Columnstore Indexes – part 15 ("Partitioning Advanced") | Nikoport

  17. Pingback: ColumnStore Archival Compression–SQL Server 2014 | The SQL Herald

  18. Pingback: Clustered Columnstore Indexes – part 17 ("2012 vs 2014") | Nikoport

  19. Pingback: Columnstore Indexes and Query Plans in SQL Server 2014 CTP1 - Bob Beauchemin

  20. Pingback: Clustered Columnstore Indexes – part 18 ("Basic Batch Mode Improvements") | Nikoport

  21. Pingback: Clustered Columnstore Indexes – part 19 ("Batch Mode 2012 Limitations … Removed!") | Nikoport

  22. Pingback: Clustered Columnstore Indexes – part 19 ("Batch Mode 2012 Limitations … Updated!") | Nikoport

  23. graham henry

    Hey Niko, fantastic articles on Columnstore Indexes! Can you tell me which if any sections may be outdated due to recent updates in SQL Server? Thanks!

    1. Niko Neugebauer Post author

      Hi Henry,

      all of these blog posts are still valid, depending on the used SQL Server versions.
      Some of the things get constantly improved in the next versions of SQL Server – The part of the deleted segments that are not removed or deleted rows within segments that are not removed are solved in SQL Server 2016.

      Best regards,

  24. Ludo

    Hi, Just wondering what is actually stored in memory with a cluster column store index ? Is it the meta data only for the table ? e.i. MIN, MAX for each segment etc..

    1. Niko Neugebauer Post author

      Hi Ludo,

      depending on the version of the SQL Server, different informations are stored.
      For example, if you query sys.column_store_segments, you will be able to see some of the informations, such as min, max, has nulls, magnitude (compression technique), encoding type, etc …
      For diving really deep into the internals, consider using DBCC CSINDEX (, but only on your private DEVELOPMENT environment.

      Now regarding the memory part – the whole segment meta-data is stored in the memory, once the segment is landed in the Columnstore Object Pool, but it might be taken off through the memory pressure. Consider also taking a look at the following blog post for more details

      Best regards,

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